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Holyman's the Shipping Co. and the Airline

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      Date: 1861 -

Description: An A4 archival album containing 12 black and white photographs, ship and airline tickets, government agreements, articles, letters, freight dockets, stickers, an invitation to the christening of new planes, first issue postage stamps pertaining to the William Holyman and Sons Pty Ltd businesses - shipowners, customs and forwarding agents, agents for Australian National Airways.

Format: documents
Object: archives

Holyman's the Shipping Co. and the Airline

Subjects: shipping industryairlinescargoes

People/Orgs: Holyman, WilliamHolyman Shipping CoAustralian National Airways Pty Ltd

Institution: Furneaux Historical Research Association Inc.

Object number: FHR_00534

The content of this record is provided by Furneaux Historical Research Association Inc.. For any questions about the content please contact them.