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Photo Album Places C1

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Glamorgan-Spring Bay Historical Society

Date: 2001 -

Description: Grey archival filing system containing over 30 plastic pockets of photographs of places in Glamorgan Spring Bay Municipality

Format: Pictorial and artistic works
Object: photo albums

Photo Album Places C1

Places: Cambria, TasmaniaColes Bay, TasmaniaFreycinet, TasmaniaWineglass Bay, TasmaniaCoswell, Swansea, TasmaniaCourland, Bicheno, TasmaniaCourt Farm, Buckland,TasmaniaCraigdale, Triabunna TasmaniaCranbrook, TasmaniaCranbrook House, Cranbrook, TasmaniaThe Cut, Bicheno, Tasmania

Institution: Glamorgan-Spring Bay Historical Society

Object number: GSB_00003

The content of this record is provided by Glamorgan-Spring Bay Historical Society. For any questions about the content please contact them.