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C J King and James Reid salting plucked mutton birds in barrels on Trefoil Island in Bass Strait in 1897

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      Date: 1897 -

Description: James Reid and C J King salting plucked mutton birds into wooden barrels on Trefoil Island in the Hunter Group of islands off the north west coast, Tasmania in 1897. Most of the islands in Bass Strait have mutton bird rookeries which range from a few hundred burrows to a million or more. James Reid was the first to establish a commercial mutton birding operation on Trefoil Island which was one of the biggest rookeries in Bass Strait. He and his birding team brought 30,000 birds off Trefoil Island in 1897. Most farming families in Circular Head used mutton birds as an alternative source of meat in the early years.

Format: Pictorial and artistic works
Object: photographs

C J King and James Reid salting plucked mutton birds in barrels on Trefoil Island in Bass Strait in 1897

Subjects: mutton-birdsislandsbarrelscommercial industry

People/Orgs: Reid, JamesKing, C J

Places: Trefoil Island, TasmaniaHunter Island, Tasmania

Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre

Object number: CHH_00382

The content of this record is provided by Circular Head Heritage Centre. For any questions about the content please contact them.