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Goldie Street between cnr Jackson and Saunders Street Wynyard Tasmania 1911

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      Date: 1911 -

Description: Black and white photgraph taken of Goldie Street between Saunders and Jackson Streets Wynyard Tasmania, taken in 1911. Other prominent buidlings from west to east are, on left Commercial Bank and on the right Federal Hotel, also there is a group of school children posing for the group photo.

Format: Pictorial and artistic works
Object: photographs

Goldie Street between cnr Jackson and Saunders Street Wynyard Tasmania 1911

Subjects: roads & streets

Places: Wynyard, Tasmania

Institution: Wynyard Online Access Centre Inc. and the Wynyard Historical Society

Object number: WYHS_000051

The content of this record is provided by Wynyard Online Access Centre Inc. and the Wynyard Historical Society. For any questions about the content please contact them.