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Old Colony Inn. Montagu Street New Nofolk (7. Images)

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Cordwell, S.K. (Images 4 to 6)

Date: 1940 -

Description: Image 1. Monochrome photograph of the Old Colony Inn, New Norfolk, Derwent valley in the 1940's when it was used as a Coffee Inn.......   Image 2. Monochrome photograph of the Old Colony Inn, New Norfolk, Derwent valley in the 1940's.......   Image 3. Monochrome photograph of the Old Colony Inn, New Norfolk, Derwent valley in the 1940's.......   Image 4. Colour photograph of the Colony Inn. Old Colony Inn, New Norfolk Previously a stone cottage on blocks granted to George Courtney & John Hampton. Established as Old Colony Inn by William Rees in 1940's.......   Image 5. Colour photograph of the Colony Inn. New Norfolk .......   Image 6. Colour photograph of the Colony Inn. New Norfolk .......   Image 7. Monochrome photograph of The Old Colony Coffee Inn. Photo taken on 8th May, 1953.

Format: pictorial and artistic works
Object: photographs
Material: photographic paper

Old Colony Inn. Montagu Street New Nofolk (7. Images)

Subjects: restaurants, cafes etc.

Places: New Norfolk, Tasmania

Institution: Historical Information Centre, New Norfolk

Object number: HIN_00128

The content of this record is provided by Historical Information Centre, New Norfolk. For any questions about the content please contact them.