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Donnelly family

Poulson, Bruce

Date: 1998 -

Description: The early Donnellys came to Recherche Bay and then moved to Ida Bay where they purchased the famous Tyler property and the building Cluan. They were involved in the timber mill, fishing, and the limestone quarry. They were a very prominent Catholic family and Cluan was used for some decades as a Catholic mission station where mass was held regularly for local Catholics. One of the Donnellys was manager of the limestone quarry, and the younger one still was a parks officer at Hastings Reserve. In earlier times they used to row from Ida Bay to Southport to attend church. The family moved from Cluan in about 1948 to a house near the railway station on the main road at the new Ida Bay.

Format: Documents and books
Object: research file

Donnelly family

Subjects: timber industryquarryingrailwaysCatholics

People/Orgs: Donnelly familyUnion Carbide Company (at Electrona)

Places: Ida Bay, TasmaniaLune River, TasmaniaSouthport, Tasmania

Institution: Southport Community Centre

Object number: SCC_00043

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