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Oral History Cliff Gore and Ron Barwick

Rieusset, Brian

Date: 1989-07-10 -

Description: Audio cassette tape of interviews with Cliff Gore and Ron Barwick. Ron Barwick served 38 years 9 months with the Tasmanian prison service, mostly as a warden. He acted at times as superintendent and was 18 years in charge of security. He retired in 1987 as principal officer of the Risdon Prison. Cliff Gore was a trade instructor and mechanic at the Campbell Street Gaol from 1954- 1958

Format: Audio-visual materials
Object: audio cassettes

Oral History Cliff Gore and Ron Barwick

Subjects: prisonsprison workshops

People/Orgs: Barwick, RonGore, Cliff

Places: Campbell Street Gaol, Hobart (Tas.)

Institution: Penitentiary Chapel Historic Site Management Committee

Object number: PCH_00042

The content of this record is provided by Penitentiary Chapel Historic Site Management Committee. For any questions about the content please contact them.