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A Collection of Sheet Music including Scherzo-Caprice

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      Description: Sheet Music - Scherzo-Caprice, Intermezzo from Cavelleria Rusticana,Fiddle and I, Enrico Toselli's Celebrated "Seranata", Largo Handel, Overturen, Rosaria Piano Solo, Seranta by Moritz Moszkowski, Tres-Jolie, Come back to Erin, Il Corricolo, A Garden Dance, Violet of Abbazia, Caite de Coeur, Prince Albert's Band March.

Format: Realia
Object: sheet music

A Collection of Sheet Music including Scherzo-Caprice

Institution: Runnymede Committee National Trust of Aust. (Tas)

Object number: RDE_2000_306

The content of this record is provided by Runnymede Committee National Trust of Aust. (Tas). For any questions about the content please contact them.