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Fenton's log hauling tractor at the mill

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      Date: 1920 -

Description: 1920 Fenton's log tractor in Circular Head, Tasmania pulling a long log. The stacks of timber on the left have been arranged for seasoning (drying). The fitting of railway type wheels to machines such as tractors made it possibe to replace horse and bullock teams for the transport of logs from bush to sawmill. Note the tractor wheels and wooden rails.

Format: Pictorial and artistic works
Object: photographs

Fenton's log hauling tractor at the mill

Subjects: tramwaystimber-gettingtimber yardstractorssawmillslogs

People/Orgs: Fenton Family

Places: Circular Head, Tasmania

Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre

Object number: CHH_00582

The content of this record is provided by Circular Head Heritage Centre. For any questions about the content please contact them.