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Jetties of Emita

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      Date: 1892 -

Description: An A4 archival album containing 39 black and white photos and 3 colour photos of the three jetties that have been built in the Emita area. The first being the Settlement Point jetty at Lillies Bay ( there are some documents associated with the building of this jetty in the album). The second being the Emita jetty, the third being the Port Davies jetty. All three took their turn as the most used and official wharf for Flinders Island. All are now ruins with very little to show of the original structures.

Format: pictorial and artistic works
Object: photo albums

Jetties of Emita

Subjects: wharves

Places: Emita, Flinders Island, TasmaniaSettlement Point, Flinders Island, TasmaniaPort Davies, Flinders Island, Tasmania

Institution: Furneaux Historical Research Association Inc.

Object number: FHR_00519

The content of this record is provided by Furneaux Historical Research Association Inc.. For any questions about the content please contact them.