Click thumbnail for a larger image. | Date: 1966 -
Description: Black and white photograph of a Delapidated Water Wheel at Reservoir Drive Wynyard Tasmania c1966. The wheel which was built in c1892 shows Mr.G.Browning on the wheel and Mr. L.Kinch inspecting. Format: Pictorial and artistic works Object: photographs Titles: Delapidated Water Wheel Wynyard Tasmania c1966. Subjects: dams & reservoirs People/Orgs: Browning, G.; Kinch, .L. Places: Wynyard, Tasmania Institution: Wynyard Online Access Centre Inc. and the Wynyard Historical Society Object number: WYHS_000371a_w Disclaimer The content of this record is provided by Wynyard Online Access Centre Inc. and the Wynyard Historical Society. For any questions about the content please contact them. |