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Born of Necessity

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Godfrey, Margery
Neilson, Ron

Date: 1992 -

Description: Hard cover A4 sized book of 232 pages includes many black and white, and some colour photographs. It is subtitled a History of Dairy Co-operatives in Tasmania, 1892-1992 . It details the history of dairy farming co-operatives in the North West and North Eastern parts of Tasmania. Available for research purposes only.

Format: Documents and books
Object: books
Material: paper

Born of Necessity

Subjects: dairy industrycooperativesfarms

People/Orgs: North-Western Co-operative Dairy CompanyNorth-Eastern Co-operative Dairy CompanyDuck River Co-op Butter and Bacon Factory Co LtdUnited Milk ProductsUnited Milk TasmaniaEmu Bay Butter Factory Company

Places: Legerwood, TasmaniaWynyard, TasmaniaSmithton, TasmaniaTasmaniaRingarooma, TasmaniaDeloraine, Tasmania

Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre

Object number: CHH_00003

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