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Peter Facy Research File

Poulson, Bruce

Date: 1998 -

Description: Financier. Part owner with Captain William Fisher of the Hastings Mill, Timber Merchant, ship owner, a Director of the Bank of V.D.L. , interested in Lighting Schemes (hence Hastings becoming one of the first towns in Tasmania to have electricity). A founder of the V.D.L. Total Abstinence Society ( hence Hastings like Geeveston became a Temperance Town .) Facy and Fisher and Hay introduced the Good Templar Movement to Tasmania ( hence the Lodge established at Hastings). Debate still exists concerning the naming of Hastings. One theory is that Facy and Co. named it after an American Templar who visited the Mill Town. Another theory is that Fisher wanted it to be called Hastings after the town in England where he was born. He was a leading cricketer and responsible for the cricket pitch on Hasting's Hill. He was also a fanatical gardener ( hence the Hasting millworkers were encouraged to grow vegetables on Sunday afternoon ). There is still a road named after him in the area ( off the Old Hastings Road).

Format: Documents and books
Object: research file

Peter Facy Research File

Subjects: timber industryelectricity supplyshipping industryFreemasonscricket

People/Orgs: Facy, PeterFisher, William

Places: Hastings, Tasmania

Institution: Southport Community Centre

Object number: SCC_00036

The content of this record is provided by Southport Community Centre. For any questions about the content please contact them.