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Book - Recollections From The Forest

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Cubit Simon

Date: 1996 -

Description: A soft covered A5 book with 246 pages and black and white illustrations titled Recollections From The Forest 75 years of forest services in Tasmania by Simon Cubit. In 1989 the Forestry Commission began an oral history programme to capture the 1920s to 1996 recollections of people who are now retired who had worked for the Forestry. These people (who are named) all had different roles but each had contributed to the management of the States forests. Avaialble for research purposes only.

Format: Documents and books
Object: books
Material: paper

Book - Recollections From The Forest

Subjects: forestsforestry workers

People/Orgs: Forestry employees

Places: TasmaniaBalfourHuonvilleDennison ValleyGeevestonMaydenaScottsdaleSmithton

Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre

Object number: CHH_00067

The content of this record is provided by Circular Head Heritage Centre. For any questions about the content please contact them.