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The descendants of William & Jane Burns in Australia 1871 - 2000

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Webb, Mavis E.
Styles, Eva .R.

Date: 2000 -

Description: A4 marone hard cover book of approximately 220 pages, covering the descendants of William & Jane Burns in Australia from 1871 - 2000.

Format: Documents and books
Object: books

The descendants of William & Jane Burns in Australia 1871 - 2000

Subjects: genealogy

People/Orgs: Burns, WilliamBurns, FlorenceParker, DanielMcNally, WilliamKinnear, RobertHallimond, ThomasCoulson, MaryKohl, FranzMcLure, JohnKohl, WalterDillon, MauriceReynard, JosephineDwyer, John JamesHawkins, KennethEyles, ArthurHudson, WalterHill, Hermann James PhillipDelahunty, FrancisLeale, Ursula

Places: Bruny Island, TasmaniaPyengana, TasmaniaSouthwick, EnglandBothwell, TasmaniaHobart, Tasmania

Institution: Bruny Island Historical Society

Object number: BIH_00071

The content of this record is provided by Bruny Island Historical Society. For any questions about the content please contact them.