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The Crole family of Trowutta, Tasmania

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      Date: 1897 -

Description: The Crole family were the first family to settle at Trowutta, Tasmania. Pictured L-R: Bill Phillips, Fred and Helena Crole with baby Arthur Crole and Harry Phillips in Victoria c.1897shortly before coming to Tasmania. The Phillips boys were Helena's brothers and they also settled in Trowutta.

Format: Pictorial and artistic works
Object: photographs

The Crole family of Trowutta, Tasmania

Subjects: pioneer settlementspioneers

People/Orgs: Crole, FredCrole FamilyCrole, HelenaCrole, ArthurPhillips, Harry

Places: Trowutta, Tasmania

Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre

Object number: CHH_00363

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