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Australia Day 2005. 60th year Anniversary of end of WW2 . Showing the Derwent Valley surviving veterans.

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Davies Brothers Pty Ltd

Date: 2005 -

Description: Colour photograph of Australia Day 2005, the 60th anniversary of end of WW2 (1935-1945). Showing a group of surviving veterans from the Derwent Valley. Back row L-R: Ken O'Brien, Ross Hanson, Ray Salter, Harry Nichols, Sappy Baxter, Bill Herbert, Rex Purkiss, Ted Crosswell, Keith Lacey, Boxer Whelan. Middle row L-R: Clyde Webb, Hedly Hall, Fred White, Arthur White, Les Excell, Ron Walsh, Ron Miles, Wes Crosswell, Digger Hale, Arthur Clark, Ruth Clark. Front row L-R: Marie Webber, Les Longey, Alma Swan, Tony Veart, Alex Rolls, Joan McDevitt, Alan Rhodes. Kneeling: Denis Beatie.

Format: pictorial and artistic works
Object: photographs
Material: photographic paper

Australia Day 2005. 60th year Anniversary of end of WW2 . Showing the Derwent Valley surviving veterans.

Subjects: returned servicepeople

Places: New Norfolk, Tasmania

Institution: Historical Information Centre, New Norfolk

Object number: HIN_00215

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