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A Collection of Sheet Music including Butterfly Dance for the Piano

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      Description: Sheet music - Butterfly Dance for the Piano, A Brown bird Singing, Trinity College of Music, Un poco Adaigio, Marche Aux Flambeaux, Home Sweet Home, Album Leaves, Favouite Compositions selected and Arranged by Percy Dunn, Capricante Marche de Concert, By the Lakes of Minnetonka, Bric a Brac, The Fairy Queen, Bridal Bells for the Pianoforte.

Format: Realia
Object: sheet music

A Collection of Sheet Music including Butterfly Dance for the Piano

Institution: Runnymede Committee National Trust of Aust. (Tas)

Object number: RDE_2000_303

The content of this record is provided by Runnymede Committee National Trust of Aust. (Tas). For any questions about the content please contact them.