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Stranded pilot whales and spectators

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      Date: 1935-10-14 -

Description: Nearly 300 stranded pilot whales & spectators were found at Sawyer Bay near Stanley on Tatlow's Beach below Trethewie's lookout in 1935. The pilot whales ranged from 7 foot youngsters to 25 foot adults and where piled closely together like sardines. Large crowds from Stanley, all parts of Circular Head, Burnie and from as far afield as Launceston came to see the whales. They even considered running a special train from Devonport to Trowutta to allow people to see the whales. They considered shipping the whales to Melbourne to render them down, however this idea was abandoned as the whales would be worthless. The whales were hastily buried at East Inlet due to unfavorable weather conditions and rapid decay.

Format: Pictorial and artistic works
Object: photographs

Stranded pilot whales and spectators

Subjects: pilot whaleswhalesbeached whales

Places: Tatlow's Beach, Stanley, TasmaniaSawyer Bay, Stanley, TasmaniaTrethewie's Lookout, Stanley, Tasmania

Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre

Object number: CHH_00077

The content of this record is provided by Circular Head Heritage Centre. For any questions about the content please contact them.