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Oral History

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Davis, Beverley
Gregg, Sandra

Date: 2001 -

Description: A maroon, A4 loose-leaf folder of 100 pages enclosed in plastic sleeves containing the memories and reminiscences in written form of many Bruny Island settlers and residents. The folder also contains family trees, photographs, newspaper articles, poetry, biographical extracts, leaflets and copies of documents relating to Bruny Island settlers and families.

Format: Documents and books
Object: archives

Oral History

Subjects: genealogy

People/Orgs: Dorloff familyNichols familyMarks, EmmanuelHill familyElliot, Edmund Alfred Dr.Kaden familyMiller, Anne (nee Kaden)Conley, AlbertDillon, MauriceKay, HaroldFyfe, Marjorie (nee Kaden)Alexander familyAlexander, MollieJennings, KatieDarby, Karen (nee Jennings)Gabrielle, SisterDillon, Edward JonasDavey, Gladys (nee Verren)Murphy, Timothy Vincent "Tim"Rowlands, W.J.McLean, JohnGray, Frederick OliverGregg, Sandra

Places: East Cove, Adventure Bay, Bruny Island, TasmaniaCoal Point, Adventure Bay, Bruny Island, TasmaniaKelly's Point, North Bruny Island, TasmaniaFord Bay, Bruny Island, TasmaniaLunawanna, Bruny Island, Tasmania"Broadwater", South Bruny Island, TasmaniaAdventure Bay, Bruny Island, TasmaniaSimpsons Bay, Bruny Island, Tasmania"Lennonville", North Bruny Island, TasmaniaSykes cove, North Bruny Island, TasmaniaAlonnah, Bruny Island, TasmaniaQuarantine Station, Barnes Bay, Bruny Island, Tasmania

Institution: Bruny Island Historical Society

Object number: BIH_00055

The content of this record is provided by Bruny Island Historical Society. For any questions about the content please contact them.