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Workers inside the Dewpoint Dehydration Factory at Smithton, Tasmania in the 1940s

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      Date: 1940 -

Description: Women workers at the Dewpoint Dehydration factory at Smithton, Tasmania processing vegetables on the assembly line. The women of the district received letters from the Director of Man Power at the Department of Labour and National Service instructing them to report to the Council Chambers to be interviewed. They took particulars of the women's present employment to consider if they could be better utilised in working in an industry more essential to the war effort. Many were instructed to commence work at the dehydration factory.

Format: Pictorial and artistic works
Object: photographs

Workers inside the Dewpoint Dehydration Factory at Smithton, Tasmania in the 1940s

Subjects: canneriesvegetablesfactory workersdehydrators

People/Orgs: Dewpoint Dehydration FactorySmithton Cannery

Places: Smithton, Tasmania

Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre

Object number: CHH_00172

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