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Cape Barren Geese and Patriarch Sanctuary

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      Date: 1960 -

Description: An A4 archival album containing 15 colour photograhs, notes and articles about Cape Barren Geese, numerous press cuttings about Derek Smith AM and the Patriarch Sanctuary. The Cape Barren Goose is the second rarest goose in the world and found in the Furneaux Islands. Due to over culling in the 1960's and 1970's the numbers were sufficiently reduced to justify the settting up of a sanctuary for the geese., known as the Patriarch Sanctuary. There is an A frame building on the site. The Sanctuary is an official bird banding station and is home to other native animals of Flinders Island (wallabies, wombats, snales, lizards, echidnas, etc.) and is operated by the Patriarch Trust. Derek Smith (1926-1999) was the prime mover in setting up the Trust and acquiring the land for the Sanctuary. A Stephen Walker sculpture of Cape Barren Geese on the Whitemark foreshore is a memorial to Derek Smith. The lush pastures of Flinders Island farms attract the geese from the outer islands and some farmers find them a threat, however culling of Cape Barren Geese is now strictly controlled.

Format: documents
Object: archives

Cape Barren Geese and Patriarch Sanctuary

Subjects: geese

People/Orgs: Smith, Derek

Places: Patriarch Sanctuary, Flinders Island, Tasmania

Institution: Furneaux Historical Research Association Inc.

Object number: FHR_00566

The content of this record is provided by Furneaux Historical Research Association Inc.. For any questions about the content please contact them.