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Portrait of Sarah Quilliam (nee Ollington)

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      Date: 1800 -

Description: Sarah Quilliam (nee Ollington). Daughter of Thomas Ollington and sister of Jane Poke (nee Ollington). Thomas Ollington was a VDL Co employee and the first to buy land near the Duck River in what is now known as Scotchtown, Tasmania in the 1850s.

Format: Pictorial and artistic works
Object: photographs

Portrait of Sarah Quilliam (nee Ollington)

Subjects: portraitsclothingpioneers

People/Orgs: Quilliam, SarahOllington, SarahOllington, ThomasPoke, JaneOllington, JaneVan Diemen's Land Company

Places: Scotchtown, TasmaniaDuck River, Tasmania

Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre

Object number: CHH_00833

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