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Marrawah Supper ladies Circular Head, Tasmania

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      Description: Seven local ladies serving a lovely country supper at a function in the local hall possibly at the 'switch-on ball' when Marrawah- Redpa first received hydro power in August 1954. L-R Jean Russell, Dulcie Hine, Myrtle Moore, Eileen Cocker, Eve McBain, Rita Abblitt, Doris Abblitt

Format: Pictorial and artistic works
Object: photographs

Marrawah Supper ladies Circular Head, Tasmania

Subjects: festivals, celebrations etc.balls & dancesfoodwomen

People/Orgs: Russell, JeanHine, DulcieMoore, MyrtleCocker, EileenMcBain, EveAbblitt, RitaAbblitt, Doris

Places: Marrawah, Tasmania

Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre

Object number: CHH_01167

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