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K M Harrisson's survey team going to Balfour, Tasmania

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      Date: 1908 -

Description: Smithton identities off to Balfour in 1908. Members of K M Harrisson's survey team L to R - Ted Walters (on horse), George Bradley, M Lovell, Charlie Thurston, Charlie Popowski, L W Brooks (on horse), Frank Popowski. Photo taken outside the house at the rear of Morton's Coffee Palace, Emmett St, Smithton, Tasmania.

Format: Pictorial and artistic works
Object: photographs

K M Harrisson's survey team going to Balfour, Tasmania

Subjects: surveyorshorses

People/Orgs: Harrisson, K MWalters, TedBradley, GeorgeLovell, MThurston, CharliePopowski, CharlieBrooks, L WPopowski, FrankMorton's Coffee Palace

Places: Balfour, TasmaniaSmithton, Tasmania

Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre

Object number: CHH_01146

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