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Rosemary Ransom Interview

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Poulson, Bruce

Date: 1999 -

Description: Rosemary Ransom nee Price, talks about the Ransom and Price families. Gerard Ransom is also interviewed on this tape. The Prices of Hastings were long time timber workers and fishermen and also ran the bakery at Leprena. The Ransoms are long time Southport residents involved in several occupations including boating. Gerard talks about his experiences on the Cathkit, a limestone boat. He worked out of Ida Bay and Deep Hole, Southport.

Format: Audio-visual materials
Object: audio tapes

Rosemary Ransom Interview

Subjects: fishing industryquarryinglimestone quarries

People/Orgs: Price familyRansom, RosemaryRansom familyRansom, Gerard

Places: Hastings, TasmaniaSouthport, TasmaniaIda Bay, Tasmania

Institution: Southport Community Centre

Object number: SCC_00024

The content of this record is provided by Southport Community Centre. For any questions about the content please contact them.