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Carpenter Family History Items

Glamorgan-Spring Bay Historical Society

Date: 1907 -

Description: This newspaper clipping describes part of the trial of George Carpenter who was hanged for murdering his cousin Thomas Filbee Carpenter and two others on or about October 10 and 11th 1922. There is a also copy of a later article on famous Tasmanian murderers. There is also a copy of a funeral service for Lola Emma Carpenter and a notice of the death of Samuel Carpenters death in 1907 at the age of 82.

Format: Documents and books
Object: newspaper clippings

Carpenter Family History Items

Subjects: genealogyhomicides

People/Orgs: Carpenter, GeorgeCarpenter, Thomas FilbeeCarpenter, Lola EmmaCarpenter, Samuel

Places: Swansea, Tasmania

Institution: Glamorgan-Spring Bay Historical Society

Object number: GSB_00068

The content of this record is provided by Glamorgan-Spring Bay Historical Society. For any questions about the content please contact them.