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John Beattie Postcards

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Murray-Smith, David

Date: 1911 -

Description: An archival album, A4 size, containing 32 copies of John Beattie black and white postcards (originals held by FHRA) and ten other island views taken by Captain Plummer and others. John Beattie accompanied Governor Sir Harry Barron on his visit to the Furneaux group on the Koonokarra in 1911. Included is a copy of a paper read by JW Beattie before the Royal Society of Tasmania on 12th June 1917.

Format: pictorial and artistic works
Object: photo albums

John Beattie Postcards

Subjects: views

People/Orgs: Beattie, JohnPlummer, Captain

Places: Mt Chappell Island, Furneaux Group, TasmaniaClarke Island, TasmaniaCape Barren Island, TasmaniaMt Strzelecki, Flinders Island, TasmaniaVansittart Island, Furneaux Group, Tasmania

Institution: Furneaux Historical Research Association Inc.

Object number: FHR_00316

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