Creator(s): Rieuset, Brian Date: 1993-03-10 - Description: Audio cassette tape of interview with Ray Martin. Ray Martin was a warder at the Campbell Street Gaol for five years, starting in the late 1950s. He also was responsible for the boot workshop at the Gaol. He describes the last minute reprieve of Percy Johnston, who was due to be executed at the Hobart Gaol. Format: Audio-visual materials Object: audio cassettes Titles: Oral History Ray Martin Subjects: prisons; prison workshops People/Orgs: Martin, Ray; Johnston, Percy Places: Campbell Street Gaol, Hobart (Tas.) Institution: Penitentiary Chapel Historic Site Management Committee Object number: PCH_00045 Disclaimer The content of this record is provided by Penitentiary Chapel Historic Site Management Committee. For any questions about the content please contact them. |