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Farnham family of Smithton, Tasmania c.1904

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      Date: 1904 -

Description: The Farnham family of Smithton, Tasmania. Pictured in a bush setting among the ferns and trees. Back Row - Daisy, Leslie, Elizabeth (Mrs Edwards), Claude, Vere. Front Row - Zella, Giles (father), Norman and Honor

Format: Pictorial and artistic works
Object: photographs

Farnham family of Smithton, Tasmania c.1904

Subjects: portraits

People/Orgs: Farnham, DaisyFarnham, LeslieFarnham, ElizabethFarnham, ClaudeFarnham, VereFarnham, ZellaFarnham, GilesFarnham, NormanFarnham, HonorEdwards, Elizabeth

Places: Smithton, Tasmania

Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre

Object number: CHH_00812

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