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Diaries & Letters of Allen & Robinson

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Furneaux Historical Research Association Inc.
Allen, James
McLachlan, Lynnette

Date: 1839 -

Description: Archival folder containing over 89 pages including a letter from Lynnette McLachlan, great great great grandaughter of George Augustus Robinson and great great grandaughter of James Allen, donating transcript of diary of Dr Allen. The journal has two pages October 1839 and journal recommences July 1843 then September 1846 - August 1851 on Clarke Island. Some family letters at the time of James Allen's death are included and a poem by James' daughter Emily entitled "The Black War in Tasmania" written in 1919. George Augustus Robinson brought the aborigines to Wybalenna. James Allen was the surgeon at the time.

Format: documents
Object: journals

Diaries & Letters of Allen & Robinson

Subjects: Tasmanian Aboriginal peopleswars

People/Orgs: Robinson, George AugustusAllen, JamesMclachlan, LynetteAllen, Maria

Places: Clarke Island, TasmaniaWybalenna, Flinders Island, Tasmania

Institution: Furneaux Historical Research Association Inc.

Object number: FHR_00011

The content of this record is provided by Furneaux Historical Research Association Inc.. For any questions about the content please contact them.