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Redlands homestead, Plenty. (8. Images)

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Images 1 & 2 unknown
Cordwell, S.K. (Images 3 to 8)

Description: Image 1. Monochrome photograph of Redlands, homestead, Plenty. One of the oldest established properties in the Derwent Valley. Large exotic trees often planted to commemorate children births. Land grant in 1822 of 1550 acres. Built 1825.......   Image 2. Monochrome photograph of Redlands entrance.......   Image 3. Colour photograph of Redlands, homestead, Plenty......   Image 4. Colour photograph of Redlands showing bakehouse and part of the village complex.......   Image 5. Colour photograph of courtyard behing residence. Bell tower was for communications. Shop opens during season providing groceries and food items and also is the estate office. Wisteria was trained around the building in early days.......   Image 6 Colour photograph of Redlands showing the working hop kiln with loading bay on right and fan bay on left. Top floor was for drying.......   Image 7. Colour photograph of familiar circular oast house building with final drying stage and heat outlet at top.......   Image 8. Colour photograph of part of a large collection of buildings that whole families were accomodated for the entire hop picking season.

Format: pictorial and artistic works
Object: photographs
Material: photographic paper

Redlands homestead, Plenty. (8. Images)

Subjects: homesteadshop kilnsoast-housesbell towersbakeries

Places: Derwent Valley, Tasmania

Institution: Historical Information Centre, New Norfolk

Object number: HIN_00457

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