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Escourt Family Research File

Poulson, Bruce

Date: 1998 -

Description: Deals with the Escourt family (sometimes spelt Estcourt, Escort, etc). Contains photos of the chopping carnival at Hastings in 1904 with Fred Escourt in foreground. Fred Escourt is credited on the official plaque as being the discoverer of the Hastings Caves. This is not completely true as Fred was merely the Mill Bush Manager who later claimed the credit. The Escourts lived at Hastings and Catamaran. Fred Escourt later became a cave guide. Covers period 1900 to 1930s.

Format: Documents and books
Object: research file

Escourt Family Research File

Subjects: Cavingexplorers

People/Orgs: Escourt familyHastings Caves, Hastings, Tasmania

Places: Hastings, TasmaniaCatamaran, Tasmania

Institution: Southport Community Centre

Object number: SCC_00042

The content of this record is provided by Southport Community Centre. For any questions about the content please contact them.