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June Mucha Research File

Poulson, Bruce

Date: 1999 -

Description: June Mucha is a descendant of the original Hays and grew up at what is now known as the Jetty House in Southport. She has a large repository of Hay family records pertaining to Hastings, Southport, Lady Bay, etc. The file contains a long interview with her as well as copies of numerous family photographs (covers the period 1860s - 1960s).

Format: Documents and books
Object: research file

June Mucha Research File

Subjects: manners & customsgenealogy

People/Orgs: Hay familyMucha, June

Places: Southport, TasmaniaLady Bay, TasmaniaHastings, Tasmania

Institution: Southport Community Centre

Object number: SCC_00038

The content of this record is provided by Southport Community Centre. For any questions about the content please contact them.