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O'Reilly Family History

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Date: 2002 -

Description: Spiral Bound A4 folder containing information and photographs of the ancestors of Margaret Ita Veronica O'Reilly. Other names mentioned, Doran, O'Donoghue, Lee, Devereux, O'Brien, Cooney, Hammond, Clark, Verrall, Norris, Harris, Smith.

Format: Documents and books
Object: folders

O'Reilly Family History

Subjects: genealogy

People/Orgs: O'RiellyDoranO'DonoghueLeeDevereuxO'BrienCooneyHammondClarkVerrallNorrisHarrisSmith

Places: Cygnet, Tasmania

Institution: Cygnet Living History Museum Inc.

Object number: CLH_00112

The content of this record is provided by Cygnet Living History Museum Inc.. For any questions about the content please contact them.