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Wallpaper Album

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      Date: 1909 -

Description: An A4 archival album containing 9 samples of wallpaper from the cottage originally built by John (Jack) and Ethel (Leila) Hines in 1909. This two roomed cottage has been added on to since 1927. The house is situated at the end of Blundstones Road. The wallpaper samples came from a piece of wall cut out to allow installation of a bigger window. Vicki Warden, paper conservator, painstakingly peeled back the wall paper layers to reveal the different papers. They include a first layer of newspaper. The museum has a framed display of the peeled layers, going back to the palings and scrim.

Format: pictorial and artistic works
Object: archives

Wallpaper Album

Subjects: wallpapers

Places: Flinders Island, Tasmania

Institution: Furneaux Historical Research Association Inc.

Object number: FHR_00672

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