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Esther Freda Rofe File

Poulson, Bruce

Date: 2001-02-07 -

Description: Famous composer, one of the first Australian female composers to acheieve wide success. She owned property in Southport. the article describes her life especially in Southport - Obituary. Musical career "Sea Legend", her work inspired by her love of Southport Bay. She also had a great love of the sea and had a lease on Pelican Island. Her ashes were scattered off Pelican Island, according to her wishes expressed in her will. Two beach huts still in existence - ref. photos SCC_0005. For further information refer to Rofe file, in possession of Bruce Poulson.

Format: Documents and books
Object: newspaper clippings

Esther Freda Rofe File

Subjects: composers

People/Orgs: Rofe, Esther Freda

Places: Southport, TasmaniaPelican Island, Tasmania

Institution: Southport Community Centre

Object number: SCC_00055

The content of this record is provided by Southport Community Centre. For any questions about the content please contact them.