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Tasmanian Government Railways Main Line Evandale Station

Tasmanian Government Railways

Date: 1901-07-16 -

Description: Blueprint, on cloth, shows complete layout of Evandale Staion, including buildings, 4 June 1901. Numbered: 2, and Nos 1.2.3. On reverse: 'This plan refers to agreement dated 16 July 1901 and signed by me, H Donaldson', with witness' signature [VAS Lovett?].

Format: Documents and books
Object: planning drawings

Tasmanian Government Railways Main Line Evandale Station

Subjects: architectural drawings

People/Orgs: Lovett, VasDonaldson, H.

Places: Evandale, Tasmania

Institution: Evandale History Society

Object number: EVH_00039

The content of this record is provided by Evandale History Society. For any questions about the content please contact them.