Click thumbnail for a larger image. | Date: 1936 -
Description: Two ships of the 'Mosquito fleet' berthed at the wharf at Smithton, Tasmania, where sawn timber was stacked on the wharf right up to the building. One man is on the first boat and another man is lifting one end of a stack of several boards. Several men by the door of the building. The boats are not identified. Format: Pictorial and artistic works Object: photographs Titles: Two of the 'Mosquito fleet' berthed at the Smithton Wharf, Smithton, Tasmania in 1936 Subjects: sawmills; timbers; ships; wharves Places: Smithton, Tasmania Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Object number: CHH_00571 Disclaimer The content of this record is provided by Circular Head Heritage Centre. For any questions about the content please contact them. |