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Picnic in the Sheoaks, Kangaroo Bay Nichols and Lane Family

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Description: Pair of black and white photographs framed together showing the Nichols and Lane families picnicing at Kangaroo Bay, Rosny. The Lane family were greenkeepers at the Rosny Golf Course and lived at Rosny Cottage.

Format: Pictorial and artistic works
Object: photographs

Picnic in the Sheoaks, Kangaroo Bay Nichols and Lane Family

Subjects: groups (people)sports & recreationspicnicsgreenkeepers

Places: Kargaroo Bay, Bellerive, TasmaniaBellerive, TasmaniaRosny Cottage, Rosny, Tasmania

Institution: Rosny Historic Centre

Object number: RHC_00012

The content of this record is provided by Rosny Historic Centre. For any questions about the content please contact them.