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A Collection of Sheet music including Over the Hills and Far Away.

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      Description: Sheet music, The Fleeting Years, Songs of the Hebrides, Melodious and Charming Morceau for Piano, Thank God for a Garden, So Long Letty, Mary, Sure there's No Name like mary, The Trail of the Lonesome Pine, Empireland, There is a Green Hill far away, High Jinks, Empireland, The Trail that leads to Home, Madame Patey's Collection of Standard Songs, The Federal Music Books, Only a Flower, For Auld Lang Syne, Etudes Melodioues, Deuxieme Mazurk, Ti Rapiere, Over the Hills and Far Away.

Format: Realia
Object: sheet music

A Collection of Sheet music including Over the Hills and Far Away.

People/Orgs: Bayley/Bayly families

Institution: Runnymede Committee National Trust of Aust. (Tas)

Object number: RDE_2000_318_2

The content of this record is provided by Runnymede Committee National Trust of Aust. (Tas). For any questions about the content please contact them.