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The remains of the stone archways that was once the entrance to the deer park at Highfield, Stanley, Tasmania

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      Description: The stone archways once supported the gates opening of the large deer park at Highfield, Stanley, Tasmania. The deer park was surrounded by a high palisade fence and eighty fallow deer were imported from England to run in the park. A few Tasmanian Emu were also kept in the park. In 1851 the park was abandoned. The seventy deer held at that time roamed along the coast for several years before the last one was shot.

Format: Pictorial and artistic works
Object: photographs

The remains of the stone archways that was once the entrance to the deer park at Highfield, Stanley, Tasmania

Subjects: deerstone wallsemusparks

People/Orgs: Highfield

Places: Stanley, Tasmania

Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre

Object number: CHH_00224

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