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Places T-Z: Photographs of Places, Historical Buildings and People in the Glamorgan Spring Bay Municipality

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Glamorgan-Spring Bay Historical Society

Date: 1996 -

Description: Plastic pockets containing photographs of 68 pages of buildings, people, sketches, transport and places in Terenure, Triabunna, Twamley, Waters Meeting, Wielangta, Woodsden, Woodstock. More to be added as they become available.

Format: Pictorial and artistic works
Object: photo albums

Places T-Z: Photographs of Places, Historical Buildings and People in the Glamorgan Spring Bay Municipality

Places: Terenure, Swansea, TasmaniaTriabunna, TasmaniaTwamley, Buckland, TasmaniaWaters Meeting, Cranbrook, TasmaniaWielangta, Orford, TasmaniaWoodsden, Buckland, TasmaniaWoodstock, Triabunna, Tasmania

Institution: Glamorgan-Spring Bay Historical Society

Object number: GSB_00016

The content of this record is provided by Glamorgan-Spring Bay Historical Society. For any questions about the content please contact them.