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Photograph of Hastings School Students


Date: 1923 -

Description: Black & white print on cardboard of Hastings State School teacher and pupils under former cypress pine taken in 1924. The teacher is Rita Lowe. Students from left (back) Olive Aird, Mary Yeates, Vida Jackson, John Hudson. Front: Ila Aird, Audry Dawkins, Reg Jackson, Jack Jackson. Vida Jackson married Vic Read. Vida became postmistress at Hastings, then Raminea. The Hudson family ran the store (building still standing).

Format: Pictorial and artistic works
Object: photographs
Material: cardboard

Photograph of Hastings School Students

Subjects: schools and collegesschoolchildrenteachersstudents

People/Orgs: Lowe, RitaAird, OliveYeates, MaryJackson, VidaHudson, JohnAird, IlaDawkins, AudryJackson, RegJackson, Jack

Places: Hastings, Tasmania

Institution: Southport Community Centre

Object number: SCC_00008

The content of this record is provided by Southport Community Centre. For any questions about the content please contact them.