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St. Matthews, New Norfolk, Tasmania, Church Windows. (14. Images). Dorothy Robinson's Collection.

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Robinson. Greg

Date: 2006 -

Description: Image 1. Colour photograph of a triple window. Left window: St. Matthew. In memory of Eliza Webster who died Aug.1902 aged 73 years. Erected by her daughter Salina Shoobridge.....Middle window: The Blessing of the Children. To the Glory of God and in memory of William Cockburn Sharland Esq, J.P. Entered into rest June 22nd 1904. For years Churchwarden and Sunday School teacher......Right window: St. John. In memory of Charlotte who for 36 years was the wife of Ebenezer Shoobridge who died June 3rd 1879. " Her children will call her blessed".......   Image 2. Colour photograph of a section of Image 1. Details on the central pane. "The blessing of the Children".......   Image 3. Colour photograph of a single window. The Feeding of the five thousand. In memory of Thomas and Jessie Cowburn and their eight children. Parishoners of this Parish and Hoteliers for one hundred years. 1882 - 1982.......   Image 4. Colour photograph of the Communion table and Embroideries. Among the orginal furnishings supplied in 1826 and now in the chapel........   Image 5. Colour photograph of a single window. The Good Shepperd. In memory of the Rev. W.W.F.Murray. M.A. Chaplain of New Norfolk for 39 years, 1854 _ 1893.......   Image 6. Colour photograph of a double window. Left window: The Raising of Lazarus. "He wipes a tear from every eye". In memory of Nancy Hope Shoobridge......Right window: The Manger Scene. "Hark the Herald Angels Sing". Born Dec. 22nd 1890, died April 6th 1898.......   Image 7. Colour photograph of a double window. Left window: A Sower Went Forth to Sow. Sacred to the memory of Julian George Brown. "All that he came to give he gave and went away".......Right window: I Am The Light. In loving memory of Elizabeth Mary Brown, "Her children will rise up and call her blessed".......   Image 8. Colour photograph of a single window: In The Shadow Of The Cross. To the Glory of God and in memory of Eunice H.A.Fyle, died 30th March 1933. Also George Alexander Fyle Carpenter devoted and faithful servant of his church. Died 26th Dec.1948. "And the word was made flesh and dwelt amongst us".......   Image 9. Colour photograph of a single window. Saint Stephen. Sacred to the memory of Eric George beloved son of W.R. and E.H. Hill, aged 21 years who drowned in the Derwent Dec.19th 1920.......   Image 10. Colour photograph of a single window. The Walk to Emmaus. To the Glory of God and in memory of Frances Sarah Sharland wife of William Stanley who died on VIII th day of March in the year of our Lord MDCCCLIX (8-3-1859).......   Image 11. Colour photograph of a single window. The Good Samaritan. In memory of Catherine Elizabeth Rainbird born 13th May 1907 and died August 1964. A devoted Parishioner.......   Image 12. Colour photograph of a single window. Lachlan River Mill. To the Glory of God and in Loving Memory of John and Martha Terry. Founding Parishoners of this Church settled here in 1819. And built the Lachlan River Mill. "I threw off my coat and rose with the sun, wrought all that came to hand".......   Image 13. Colour photograph of a single window. S.Mark 1:9; Erected by J.A.Moore Senr. and Junr.. To commemorate a deliverance from shipwreck Nov.1865........   Image 14. Colour photograph of a single window. Saint George. To the Glory of God in memory of Athelstane William Shoobridge. Killed in France May 18th 1918 aged 34 years. "He laid down his life for his country".

Format: pictorial and artistic works
Object: photographs
Material: photographic paper

St. Matthews, New Norfolk, Tasmania, Church Windows. (14. Images). Dorothy Robinson's Collection.

Subjects: stained-glass windowsreligious structures & establishments

Places: New Norfolk, Derwent Valley

Institution: Historical Information Centre, New Norfolk

Object number: HIN_00149

The content of this record is provided by Historical Information Centre, New Norfolk. For any questions about the content please contact them.