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Lymington House - found items

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Description: The following items were found under the Lymington house by the owners David and Lyn Dow. The house originally belonged to the Direen family and is located at the end of Direens Road Lymington. Items include: 1918 receipt from Dr. to J. Mundy Lovett, 1 cadbury gift coupon, empty packet of "Capstan" full strength Navy Cut Cigarettes, wrapper Wriglley's spearmint gum, 2 wooden pegs, 1 wooden item - possibly whistle, old metal oval buckle?, small round pin broach with photograph of a man and woman, 1 black button, 1 white button, 8 glass marballs, 8 clay? marballs

Format: Realia
Material: glass;  clay;  paper;  wood (material);  metal;  cardboard;  paper

Lymington House - found items

Subjects: houses

People/Orgs: Direen

Places: Lyminton, Tasmania

Institution: Cygnet Living History Museum Inc.

Object number: CLH_00085

The content of this record is provided by Cygnet Living History Museum Inc.. For any questions about the content please contact them.