Click thumbnail for a larger image. | Date: 1951 -
Description: "Alvina" aground at Stanley, Tasmania. The steamship SS"Alvina" a steel vessel of 183 tons wrecked at Sawyers Bay (Tatlows Beach) on 20/3/1951. The ship was stranded on the beach for six weeks but eventually was refloated on a high tide on 29 April 1951. She sailed to Smithton but went aground at Pelican Point in Duck Bay. The Alvina was built in Southampton in 1887 and was once the luxury yacht of King Edward VII and later was owned by his friend Lillie Langtree. After coming to Australia in 1903 it was used as a pilot launch, a vehicular ferry and a floating casino. She ended her days as a broken hulk at Beauty Point. Format: Pictorial and artistic works Object: photographs Titles: "Alvina" aground at Stanley, Tasmania. Subjects: shipping accidents; shipping industry; ships; ferries; beached vessels; casinos People/Orgs: SS Alvinia (vessel); King Edward VII; Langtree, Lillie Places: Stanley, Tasmania; Tatlow's Beach, Stanley, Tasmania; Pelican Point, Smithton, Tasmania; Beauty Point, Tasmania Institution: Circular Head Heritage Centre Object number: CHH_00662 Disclaimer The content of this record is provided by Circular Head Heritage Centre. For any questions about the content please contact them. |