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Graves family file

Poulson, Bruce

Date: 1999 -

Description: Deals with the life and times of Joe Graves and his family and Timber Mill at Southport, Tasmania from the 1870s to the first decade of the 20th Century. File contains articles by Bruce Poulson and Susan Barter, and many newspaper and documentary records of the Family. Also a description of the Grave's children by June Mucha as well details of the Tasmanian Experiences of his father John Woodcock Graves who wrote the well known hunting song " D'ye ken John Peel?" Joe Graves was the first major entrepreneur in the area. He not only had a local flleet of boats as well as an international one and traded overseas directly from Southport. He built many of his boats at Graves Point near Major Honners Bay. He built the now famous house Tarrabar. He gave Aboriginal names to most of his children. He and his brother a famous Hobart Lawyer who introduced foxes into Tasmania, were educated with Aboriginals at the Newtown Orphans School and were strong supporters of Aboriginal causes. It was one of Grave's workers, Joe Hazelwood , who discovered Hastings Hot Springs.

Format: Documents and books
Object: research file

Graves family file

Subjects: timber industryshipwrightsAboriginal peoples (Australians)manners & customs

People/Orgs: Graves familyGraves, John WoodcockNew Town Orphan School

Places: Southport, TasmaniaHot Springs, Hastings

Institution: Southport Community Centre

Object number: SCC_00040

The content of this record is provided by Southport Community Centre. For any questions about the content please contact them.