Description: 322 = Illustration from Weekly Courier of photograph taken by Spurling of loading produce on Burnie wharves. Mounted in dark frame and glassed 322A = 10 shipping scene photos of Burnie, depicting early shots of the port in its infancy, with shots of nacval and merchant ships to the present age, mounted on plywood------1 - S.S. Cambria; 2 - Topsail schooner "Mariner"; 3 - Burnie port circa 1908; 4 - Burnie port circa 1880; 5 - S.S. Wear at Jones pier; 6 - Waterside workes loading vessel at Jones pier; 7 - S.S. Ulooloo at Burnie in 1950; 8 - S.S. Bakara at Burnie in 1921; 9 - H.M.A.S. Swordsman (1935); 10 - M.V. RORO Gdaansk ll at Burnie Format: Pictorial and artistic works Object: illustrations Titles: Burnie wharves Subjects: wharves Institution: Devonport Maritime Museum and Historical Society Object number: DMH_00322 Disclaimer The content of this record is provided by Devonport Maritime Museum and Historical Society. For any questions about the content please contact them. |