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Horse and cart travelling up King Street, Smithton, Tasmania

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      Date: 1905 -

Description: Horse and cart going up the hill on King Street Smithton, Tasmania. A sign on one building in Emmett Street reads Morton's Coffee Palace. Morton's Coffee Palace/ boarding house was run by Minnie Maud Morton and her husband Joseph George Morton from c.1905 to 1910. The Bridge Hotel and the bridge over the Duck River can be seen in the background.

Format: Pictorial and artistic works
Object: photographs

Horse and cart travelling up King Street, Smithton, Tasmania

Subjects: townsstreetscapeshorsedrawn cartsroads & streets

People/Orgs: Morton, Minnie MaudMorton, Joseph GeorgeMorton's Coffee Palace

Places: Smithton, TasmaniaBridge Hotel, Smithton, TasmaniaDuck River, Tasmania

Institution: Circular Head Heritge Centre

Object number: CHH_00135

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